Sunday, August 17, 2008


I got tagged from Kristin so I guess I'll play along too.

4 Jobs I have had:
1. Paramedic in Atlanta. Even though it was an internship, I still count it as a job.
2. Artco
3. Maverik
4. Snowy Mountain Water

4 Movies I have watched more than once:
1. Hoosiers
2. Enchanted
3. Hairspray
4. A River Runs Through It

4 Places I have lived:
1. Rigby, Idaho
2. Rexburg, Idaho
3. Rangely, Colorado
4. Atlanta, Georgia

4 TV Shows I watch:
1. Smallville
2. Criminal Minds
3. The Closer
4. Ghostwhisperer

4 Places I have been:
1. Florida - Finally, the Beach!!
2. Atlanta, Georgia
3. Las Vegas, Nevada
4. Ok, and all of the states I drove through to get to Atlanta which include: Wyoming, Nebraska, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, and part of Illinois.

4 People who text me regulary:
1. Kristin
2. Jason
3. Stephanie
4. Kelli

4 of my favorite foods:
1. Italian - specifically Fettuchini & alfredo
2. Empire state from Gandolfos
3. Fried Chicken and mashed potatoes
4. Good 'ol Southern Barbeque from Georgia

4 Places I would like to visit:
1. England
2. Hawaii
3. Alaska (fishing)
4. Florida (again)

4 Things I am looking forward to in the coming year:
1. Being done with school with my bachelor's in EMS Administration
2. Winter (I'm definitely skiing more this year!!)
3. Fall (I want more pics of the season!)
4. Christmas (Family, gifts, food, what more can I say?)

4 Friends I am tagging:
1. Heather
2. Megan
3. Britney
4. And whoever wants to play

1 comment:

The Wright Family said...

hey! I learn something new about you every day! :)

Graduation for Paramedic Class of 2008

Graduation for Paramedic Class of 2008

My Paramedic Pin

My Paramedic Pin

Graduation brought all the traditions too!

Graduation brought all the traditions too!

Thanks for coming Kristin!

Thanks for coming Kristin!

Sisters, Sisters

Sisters, Sisters



My Fellow Paramedic Students in Action

My Fellow Paramedic Students in Action

See What We Put Up With

See What We Put Up With